Italian born Goland

Gorzagri started its business in the field of genetics in the early 1950s, establishing itself back then in the poultry sector as a farm specializing in the production of breeding eggs. Based on the experience gained and following a precise vocation for genetic research, Gorzagri then went on to concentrating its business in the pig sector.


Since the creation of the first grand-parent centre (year 1975) until today, the constant evolution of the company has led us to be the leading Italian company in the production, selection and distribution of pig genetics throughout the entire national territory.

The Goland program

General characteristics and services

Gorzagri has not limited its business to the simple placing of breeding pigs on the market but has structured a complete offer of services.

Production flows

The productive aim of the Goland female line is not solely to obtain the largest possible number of piglets. The final result of our selection programs translates into a constant increase in weaned piglets, provided that this also implies a real reduction in the cost of production of the piglets sold.


Goland participates in the realization of some research projects conducted by the Zootechnical Sciences Department of the University of Padua.


Produciamo e distribuiamo dosi di seme di altissima qualità, nel rispetto della più rigorosa biosicurezza, al fine di aumentare la competitività degli allevatori e la qualità della carne prodotta.

Our products