Our history
Gorzagri started its business in the field of genetics in the early 1950s, establishing itself back then in the poultry sector as a farm specializing in the production of breeding eggs. Based on the experience gained and following a precise vocation for genetic research, Gorzagri then went on to concentrating its business in the pig sector. Since the creation of the first grand-parent centre (year 1975) until today, the constant evolution of the company has led us to be the leading Italian company in the production, selection and distribution of pig genetics throughout the entire national territory.

The Gorza family began its entrepreneurial business in 1940, with the opening in Fonzaso (BL) of the first sawmill that traded timber from Eastern European countries.
Given the growing demand for hens and eggs, Mr Luigi Gorza decided to open the first laying hen breeding farm in Fonzaso, with its own hatcheries for the sale of chicks. Trade took such a good foothold that it stood out among the leading Italian businesses, going so far as to export poultry even to the Middle East, which was an extremely complex thing to do in those years.
With the increasing demand for meat, Mr Luigi Gorza realized the great potential connected with breeding pigs and he opened the first grand-parent pig farm in Riese Pio X (TV).

The pig farm grew so much that he decided to transform the poultry farms in Fonzaso into a new grand- parent pig breeding centre, always with a semi-closed cycle. Professionalism and growing reputation drove many European groups to seek a partnership with Gorzagri.
The company entered into a representative contract for Italy of female and male genetics with Nieuw Dalland, a company headed by the multinational Unilever, which was present in the pig farming market at the time. Gorzagri then introduced the (GP) Dalland grand-parent gilts in its centres in Riese Pio X and Fonzaso, becoming the first GP centre for the breeding of Dalland parent gilts outside the Netherlands.
A new farm was established in Pezzol, in the province of Belluno, which became the first active nucleus of Dalland pure-line sows, outside the Netherland. Here, the work of genetically improving the Large White Dalland line was launched in Italy. The main characteristic of the breeding centre was the high level of health controls making it the first in Italy and one of the first in Europe to have the specific pathogen free certificate.

The Gorzagri company was handed over to Mr Luigi Gorza’s son, Attilio Gorza, appointed as the new CEO.
The first Goland C21 male line was introduced in the Italian market, destined for the Italian PDO cured meat market.
The partnership ended with Nieuw Dalland in favour of PIC, world leader in the field of pig genetics, present in over 30 countries and on all continents.

Recently, the company plan was further perfected with the decision to expand the Large White line nucleus by including all the 3000 Agana (BL) pure line sows; then the transfer of the Goland C21 male line to the isolated and high health level farm in Pezzol (BL). Genomics has become increasingly important in the genetic improvement of Goland breeders.